Workshop Overview & Call for Papers

We are inviting contributions to the Thirteenth International Workshop on Eye Movements in Programming 2025, which will be held at the end of May 2025. It is co-located with the 2025 ACM Symposium of Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) in Tokyo, Japan.

The study of eye gaze data has great potential for research in computer programming, computing education, and software engineering practice. The Thirteenth International Workshop on Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP 2025) will again focus on advancing the methodological, theoretical, and applied aspects of eye movements in programming. The goal of the workshop is to further develop the methodology of using eye gaze tracking for programming, both theoretically and in applications. What can gaze behavior tell us about cognitive processes during programming? This question enables us to understand the role of human factors involved in programming.

Call for Papers - Topics of Interest

We invite contributions analyzing gaze behavior of activities related to programming, such as code reading and debugging, social aspects, vision, and educational perspectives. These may include, but are not limited to, the role of emotions in programming, vision-based models, readability, and new theories of program comprehension. Contributions are expected to present implications to software engineering practice or programming education. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Identification and analysis of appropriate data abstractions for eye tracking analysis

• Models of cognition about software development

• Effects of text-based, graphical, or diagram-based program representations

• Effects of syntax or language features, as well as programming paradigms

• Identification and analysis of behaviors and strategies oflearners’ reading, writing, and debugging code, acquiring new domains and skills, longitudinal growth

• Challenges for learners or software engineers (e.g., obstacles to learning or accomplishing tasks)

• Applications for eye tracking, e.g., software engineering tasks, such as program comprehension, debugging, requirements traceability, change tracking

• Development and evaluation of tools and processes for working with eye tracking

• Development and evaluation of visualizations for static and dynamic program execution

• Applications offering programming assistance or accessibility using eye tracking devices, data, and analyses

• Combinations of eye tracking with other sensing modalities,such as fMRI, EEG, GSR, or fNIRS

• Multi-person eye tracking, e.g., during pair programming orcollaborative problem solving

• Eye gaze datasets and source code amenable to eye gazestudies

• Analyses of pre-existing eye gaze datasets, e.g. the EMIP dataset

• Development of platforms, tools, and methods which enable reproducible experiments

Venue and Dates

The Workshop will be held in-person in Tokyo, Japan co-located with the ACM Symposium of Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA).

Important dates:

• Deadline for papers: February 24th, 2025 (AoE)

• Notification to authors: March 21st, 2025

• Camera-ready Deadline: March 31st, 2025 (AoE)

• Workshop: End of May, 2025

You can register for the workshop here:

Submissions and Presentations

The workshop will be devoted to presenting new research results. We invite several types of contributions:

• new research results

• new ideas

• demos

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ETRA Workshop Proceedings.

Your submission should be prepared following the ETRA paper template instructions with the exception that EMIP expects the submitted papers to follow the two-column layout (sigconf rather than manuscript). Please use the ACM article template for all submissions with the sigconf,review,anonymous style.

When submitting your paper for review, your paper can contain up to 8 pages (two-column, including references).

Additionally, EMIP will feature work-in-progress papers with up to 4 pages (two-column, plus references). These will be reviewed lightly, but not published in the proceedings.

Submissions must be written in English and should be submitted through Precision Conference System (PCS). To submit a paper, please visit:, select “Society: ETRA, Conference: ETRA2025, Track: ETRA 2025 – EMIP”.

Each submission will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper in-person.

Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for news and updates.

Accepted Papers


Workshop Organizers

  • Bonita Sharif, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
  • Andrew Begel, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Norman Peitek — Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany

Program Committee